- PM Home Solutions LLC and names associated with will not be liable for the misuse or misrepresentation of its trading name by other parties assuming their use for trading purposes.
- All quotes/estimates are not final and are subject to cost at time of materials. We will always try and give the latest price of materials and inform you, as the customer, of changes.
- Quotes performed on behalf of third parties or for the purpose of insurance claims are liable to a service charge. This charge is deductible on use of PM Home Solutions services only once work is complete.* $25 per hr inspection and quote time
- Non insurance and first party quotes are free (please see terms 1.3.5.)
- PM Home Solutions will charge for its services and report any misrepresentation of its estimates, if they should be used in fraudulent use, and hold no responsibility for any other use other than as the customer's genuine reference of future work costs on their property.
- On contract of services by PM Home Solutions we will require a down payment on materials to be used, this is in the region of 40%.
- Payment is expected on completion (15 days net payment terms).
- PM Home Solutions will accept no responsibility for substandard materials supplied by the customers, defects or structural defects (material and structural) unknown to the company named as PM Home Solutions, its representatives or the property owner prior to contacting/contracting our services.
- Should defects be found that were not disclosed to the company, the property owner will be liable for all costs arising from the said.
- PM Home Solutions has the right to cancel a contract of work should it be deemed unsafe, unsanitary or misrepresented in anyway. Property owners will be liable for costs associated with cancellation.