Q: What ways do you have to pay?  

A: Cash, Check, Paypal (to inc surcharge 6%- visa etc) Google checkout (invoice sent)  

Q: Is your Company licensed and insured?  

A: We have insurance to cover liability, licensing for work under $30,000*, if its plumbing, or electrical, or a job requiring a license, ie electrical, we have tradesmen that fulfill these requirements with licenses.
*To work as a general contractor on projects costing more than $30,000 in North Carolina, you must get a license from the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors. Electrical, plumbing, heating and fire sprinkler contractors must be licensed.  

Q: Does the work your company do include any guarantee?  

A: We will guarantee all work done to your satisfaction for a period of six weeks, only due to unforeseen problems not seen on repairs.   Remodelling and roofs carry a six year peace of mind workmanship warranty' Plus the manufactures warranty.